Hi, Troy here from Australia, welcome to Stop For A Moment (SFAM). With a love of film, television and stories, I dream of writing books (fiction and non-fiction) and making videos that might change the heart. Stop For A Moment will be a place where I can learn, practise and share messages of hope as I've come to know them. To see what's really important, we all need to slow down. This is particularly relevant when we face difficulties in life. You're invited to join me as I share some of my journey from an anxious, painfully shy teenager who thought God was up in the sky to where I am now convinced of His love (through articles, stories and videos). I'm a believer and follower of Jesus. I share this not to try and convert you, we all get to choose and I implore you to search Him out yourself but to be open about why I'm doing this.

Troy @ Stop For A Moment

Welcome to Stop For A Moment. Choose Another Way. Live with REAL Faith, Hope & Love. Live with JESUS! https://www.stopforamoment.org